by Keri Nelson on June 29, 2024

Holding onto anger, grudges and resentment impacts us mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. It’s like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die…doesn’t seem logical does it?

Who in your life do you need to FORGIVE? Do you need to forgive yourself?

Forgiveness does not erase what happened, but looks at the person and situation with compassion. It does not mean you are ok or approve of what took place.

The negative energy stored in your body from not forgiving keeps you stuck in the past, replaying a loop of disempowering thoughts in your mind. Constantly living in the past prevents you from experiencing the present, where all the magic happens. Holding onto these negative emotions is toxic, potentially leading to illness if not processed and released. 

Betrayal is a tough pill to swallow. It can knock you to your knees and leave you gasping for air, making it seem impossible to ever recover. The shock, the hurt and rage consumes you until one day… it doesn’t hurt quite as much as the day before. Day by day it does get better. 


I have found the key to healing from betrayal is FORGIVENESS. An important thing to remember is that when you forgive someone, you are not expected to have a relationship with them again OR give them a free pass for their behavior. The whole point is to RELEASE the trauma from your body on a cellular level so you can be free of the pain it caused you. You are no longer a victim of the pain. It will no longer consume you or dictate how you live your life. You hold the power now. It is no longer your story. You are free!



If you are needing to forgive yourself, the same rules apply. For example, if you made a horrible decision to drink & drive and actually killed someone, that guilt and shame could eat at you for the rest of your life. You are not condoning your behavior but instead releasing those heart wrenching emotions from your body.


With every traumatic event, lessons come to the surface and we grow exponentially if we allow ourselves to process it instead of suppress it.  Ask yourself, "what has this taught me...how can I use this knowledge to help myself and others?"

Lack of forgiveness is connected to the low vibration of FEAR. When we live in a state of fear, we are saying no to LOVE which is the highest vibration. Having compassion for someone is a form of love.


Hurt people hurt people. They have their own wounds inside of them that have not been healed...usually self hate, unworthiness, stored trauma, etc. Once you realize this, it’s easier to look through the lens of compassion and forgive.

As you learn to forgive, you will heal yourself and find such inner freedom you didn't even know was there all along. The invisible shackles that have been weighing you down each day will slowly dissolve.


The energy from the person and situation no longer has the same effect like it did before. You get triggered less and it will not be quite as intense like it was in the past. 



Please remember that forgiveness won't magically happen overnight. It takes time, lots of crying and processing of our emotions in order to forgive.


*NOTE: Forgiveness does not mean that you should let down your boundaries, let anyone manipulate you, or disrespect you.


You hold the power. Once you set the INTENTION that you want to release these negative emotions from your body, the Universe will respond accordingly.



Write or Print out these AFFIRMATIONS:

*Repeat them for 5 minutes in the morning & 5 minutes at nightDo this for 21 days and notice how much lighter you feel.

*AFFIRMATIONS: Forgiving Others

  • I let go of the past and forgive _________ for hurting me. I release them with love.
  • Each act of forgiveness helps my heart to heal.
  • I bring love, peace, joy and forgiveness into the world.
  • I choose to be free of hurt, anger and hatred.
  • I forgive others in order to live in love and light.
  • My happiness is more important than feeling hurt and holding a grudge.
  • Every day I have the power to choose and today I choose to release frustration, resentment and anger towards ___________.
  • Letting go and moving on is the best way to bring more joy into my life.
  • Forgiveness makes me feel empowered.
  • The energy of love and forgiveness always surrounds me.
  • I am grateful for the lessons my pain has taught me.

*AFFIRMATIONS: Forgiving Ourselves 

  • I let go of the past so that I may move forward.
  • I acknowledge that I did the best I could with what I knew at the time.
  • I acknowledge my faults and forgive myself completely.
  • Each day is filled with new possibilities.
  • The past is done. I now live in the present.
  • Old, negative patterns no longer hold me back. I let them go with ease.
  • I am a good person.
  • I now release my shame, guilt and self judgment.
  • When I make a mistake, I realize that it is only part of the learning process.


***BONUS: Visualize a ball of light in your hands and then you place that ball of light over the head of the person that hurt you. Now say out loud, "I send you love, light and healing."


Keri - Soul Healing Mom 💜

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