The Addiction to BUSYNESS

by Keri Nelson on April 13, 2024

Have you noticed that it has become normal to be BUSY? We overbook our schedules, stress out to meet deadlines and equate our worthiness to how productive we are. When our calendar is full, we think that we are thriving but in reality it’s a form of disconnecting from ourselves. As a society we have grown used to the hustle culture…it's second nature. 


In the midst of the busyness, it's important for us to stop and notice our INTENTIONS behind it. 


  • Are we on the go all the time so we can avoid feeling our feelings? 
  • Are we using it to numb ourselves from uncomfortable emotions like sadness, loneliness, anger, anxiety or boredom?
  • Are we suppressing the inner wounds stored in our body that need to be acknowledged, worked through, and released? 
  • There's nothing inherently wrong with being busy, but when we get sucked into the vortex of non-stop activity, we often lose sight of our own needs and miss out on the important messages that our body and Soul are trying to tell us. This disconnection from our body & Soul puts us out of alignment leading to a life of discontent, anxiety, depression, stress, unworthiness, lack of confidence, etc.


    Here are a 3 things that you can do to connect with your body & Soul:


  • Meditate 🧘 > I know you are probably thinking yeah, yeah, yeah I hear this everywhere but it doesn’t work for me. "My mind wanders so therefore I am not capable of meditating." This is the biggest LIE! 😀 The key to meditation is to ALLOW your mind to wander, be AWARE that it's wandering and then BRING IT BACK to the present moment over & over. Everyone’s mind wanders so don’t beat yourself up. Asking your mind not to wander is like asking your heart not to beat.💚 It is a muscle that will need to be used over and over to strengthen it. If you are consistent with it, you will see just how magical and life-changing it is. Our BREATH is the activator—the very thing that connects our mind, body, head and heart. Through the breath we can release the energy we have picked up and stored in our body. The breath knows exactly how to break down trauma…that stuck energy, the old consciousness, and the stuff that was passed down from generational trauma. 

  • Get into Nature 🌱 >  Mother Nature is a powerful source of ENERGY. It helps us to balance and recalibrate. By immersing ourselves in the elements–feeling the water, sand, grass and dirt–we reconnect with our body & Soul. Nature brings us back home to ourselves, grounding us in the present moment and clears out the noise in our everyday lives. When we turn down the volume on the incessant noise, we are then able to hear and receive the messages that our Soul is trying to tell us. Our SOUL wants to be heard and has all of the answers that we are seeking. We will never get answers from our mind because it is run by our EGO. Only our SOUL knows the way.

  • Fuel Passions ✨ > Setting aside some time each day to do what makes our Soul happy is crucial. What makes us feel peaceful and joyful? It can be as simple as a 15 minute walk around the neighborhood, gardening, writing, dancing, listening to our favorite music, painting, creating something with our hands, sipping on coffee by ourselves in the morning, listening to a motivational podcast, swimming, calling a friend, etc. Prioritize time for some fun and play…at the end of this life, you are not going to wish you played less. 

    Overall, busyness is a way to avoid uncomfortable feelings, difficult questions, and it hinders our personal growth. By recognizing these avoidance patterns and making space for stillness and reflection, we can cultivate greater self-awareness, connection, and inner peace.


    💡What is ONE thing that you will commit to this week in order to connect to your body and Soul?


    Keri - Soul Healing Mom 💜
    For more inspired action and feel good content, head over to Instagram and Facebook & say hi!




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